Where do you get your inspirartion?

So the moral of the story is to take a crap, nice one. Toilet = ideas.

I hope no one has thought of getting some laxative in hope of 'more creative ideas' :S
My inspiration is from watching other Vloggers and sometimes a video will remind me of a completely different topic and there's my idea. And then other thoughts that go through my head kinda of inspire me; I'll be all full of energy and optimistic and having a great day and then these ideas just come to me instantly. whether I get to doing them is another matter, but I keep track of the ideas for when I start wanting to film.
There's a fantastic book, Pragmatic Thinking and Learning. One of the big points from that book was that you tend to produce more creative ideas if you stop discarding the ones you already get. If you make an effort to write down even terrible ideas, you're basically telling your brain "Keep doing what you're doing!" You can also work with things like mind-maps and other visual tools to try and stimulate the right-brain.

Personally, I try and make it a routine. I *know* that I have to write something tomorrow, so I'll sit down and grind it out. Since I've trained my brain to be used to it, I can usually come up with a topic around that time; that took a while to kickstart though.

Just keep track of the ideas you get, good and bad, and you'll inspire yourself to generate more :-)
Since a human cannot be that productive, many ideas come up for me as I work. A portion of my channel centers around interacting with people in an area where gamers are not socially accepted, while I am open about my hobby. It's nice to talk to people with opposing points of view.

As for my commentaries, a lot of studying my own gameplay goes behind each video. I'd say each hour of gameplay gets about 1.5 hours of studying (this is not counting editing time) and thinking of what to say.