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I can come up with so many ideas for movies and stuff... but the problem is... I don't know where to start with the scripts... Can someone help? Lol I need so much help.
What type of content are you working on?
Well... basically I need help on being able to draft my script in general. Like some basic tips or something.
Well, scripts vary drastically based on what you're talking about. Is this a a vlog? A feature film? A comedy sketch?
Personally, I tend to write in roughly four-line stanzas, a lot of just stream-of-consciousness stuff for my videos. But if I'm doing a collab, I'll fire up Celtx and write out a formal script.
Ah, for that, I'd definitely use something like Celtx. Though I'd probably start with just writing some outlines and slowly broadening it out into a full script.For like sort of a movie.