Where do I start on my scripts?


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I can come up with so many ideas for movies and stuff... but the problem is... I don't know where to start with the scripts... Can someone help? Lol I need so much help.
Well... basically I need help on being able to draft my script in general. Like some basic tips or something.

Well, scripts vary drastically based on what you're talking about. Is this a a vlog? A feature film? A comedy sketch?

Personally, I tend to write in roughly four-line stanzas, a lot of just stream-of-consciousness stuff for my videos. But if I'm doing a collab, I'll fire up Celtx and write out a formal script.
Well, scripts vary drastically based on what you're talking about. Is this a a vlog? A feature film? A comedy sketch?

Personally, I tend to write in roughly four-line stanzas, a lot of just stream-of-consciousness stuff for my videos. But if I'm doing a collab, I'll fire up Celtx and write out a formal script.

For like sort of a movie.
Writing movies is hard, but that's awesome that you're doing it. If you have an ending write that first. You can't know what happens at the beginning if you don't know how it ends. Everything is leading up to that. Other than that just write all your ideas down. Keep writing. If something doesn't work. Rewrite it. Eventually, it will start to shape itself out. Once you're finished...Rewrite it.