Where did YOU learn to edit?

As a kid I was always in tune with technology so I picked up programs fast enough. I also made a gaming channel when I was young and used sony vegas, but now that I've restarted I've went with adobe premiere and it's just exploring and taking things slowly. Investing a lot more time in my earlier videos before I create a process which will maintain the quality of my videos whilst reducing editing time.
I've seen a few people who have fantastic editing styles that are inspiring.

Mr Sark for gameplay, used to be unprecedented. I haven't watched his videos in a while, but they were always quality.

Casey Neistat is obviously an inspiration for many on Youtube.

But where did you learn to edit? Youtube videos? This forum? How long did it take to really get your groove with an editing style you were happy with?
Well I edit a lot in my video's and people really like a lot of editing in video's, it gave me 100+ subscribers in 2 days :O
So editing is really important, I just learned it by myself, sometimes I just searched a tutorial for a effect or something but most of the time I was just learning by myself.
Took me some weeks to edit good :)