Where can I get some good deals on recording equipment?


Loving YTtalk
I'm looking for affordable examples of all of the following. Preferably on Amazon.

1. A green screen backdrop that I can simply place behind my chair (to hide all the ugliness in my living room) when I'm looking to record with my webcam. Preferably, I'd like one that's rigid (or at the very least has a stand that comes with it), but also one that I can just pick up and place somewhere out of sight and out of mind whenever it's not in use. I'd also like it to be under $100.

2. A stand that I can place my laptop (w/ webcam) on top of, place the stand in front of a green screen, stand (as opposed to sit) in front of that green screen, and the camera will be at the perfect height to record my upper body. I stand 6ft tall, but I'm optimally looking for an ADJUSTABLE stand. Preferably under $50.

3. A microphone that I can clip onto the neck on my shirt, and have it pick up voice with good audio quality, but without it being visible to my viewers. Preferably under $30.
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