Where are you from, and what Youtubers are Popular there?


The Bostonian YTtalker
Where are you from, and what Youtubers are Popular there?

A couple of months ago, there was a forum discussion about a "famous" YouTuber's controversy. On that post, someone replied, "Who's that?". At first, I thought they were joking since the creator has over 20 million subscribers, but after a quick back and forth I learned that they really had never heard about them. They then listed some "unknown" Youtubers to me and when I checked them out, I was shocked to see that they were all well into the upper 10 million sub count, but from other countries than where I live. I know Youtube is massive, but sometimes I assume the "big" names were more universal. To be frank this isn't that shocking seeing as there are tons of "world renounced" artists and musicians that I've never heard of.

Since then, I've been wondering what other unknown to me "youtube famous" creators are out there in other geographic locations.
Doesn't have to be a channel you actually like. Just a channel you would expect the people around you who also watch youtube to have heard of.

So where are you from, and what Youtubers are Popular there?
New York City here, Casey Neistat is popular, but I don't watch him or other local/big YouTubers, it depends on your interests & you will find who to watch regardless of where they are.
I'm from Atlanta, and basically watch all the popular channels from Trending section, excluding children's content. Talking of which, what do you guys think about alternatives like Utreon ? It has appeared on the web not long ago, but has already pretty nice popularity along the Internet users. Do you watch videos on it?
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I'm from Sweden. But I have never seen a connection about location and what's popular? In my eyes is mostly about your interests. If you are into fishing you watch fishing YouTubers, if you are into gaming you watch gaming YouTubers, if you are into fashion you watch fashion YouTubers, if you are into stocks you watch investing YouTubers and so on. And then you have sub niches. Three people who are into three different games probably watch different gaming YouTubers, not based on where they live but based on what games they play.
Post your videos in other groups on social networks. You can also try to post your videos on such platform as quora. Also try to run live broadcasts. Thanks to live broadcasts YouTube automatically increases the rating of your videos and some of them can get to the top. As well, use some popular keywords in video title. Also watch this video about tools for content creators
. It will help you to understand many promotion tricks.