When to start posting some original content?

Hey, as you probably know, or don't.. I play piano covers on youtube.
And I want to start sharing some originals, but for now, I only have like 30 subs en 2k views..
So it's way to soon I think to start sharing originals.
Because you need a solid fan base if you want some public for your own songs.
But when is it the rigth time to start posting them??
Let me know what you did, or what you think! :)
Pretty good! :P
I think post one or two right now and like every 100 subs release another one or two. Dont out everything out but make sure for every 2 originals do like 10 covers so that there's a good amount more covers then originals

I agree with this, release one or two now, then make it a treat for your subs to hear a new original

I recommend checking out ChesterSee's channel for reference, he does some piano covers and originals

And you will hit 100, patience lol
Do covers of popular song, keep up with newer releases and cover them. Also cover bands like One Direction and the such (not even kidding, their fan are obsessive and will be looking for covers, that's an easy way to get views as a cover YouTuber , specially with their newer releases)
Always post original content. I say in the case of you, aim at posting two videos a week. One is a cover song, one is an original. Maybe add a third video where you discuss how to play one of those songs that past week. It's about expanding your format to get everyone. Some people want to see covers, some want to see original music, some want to learn music, etc. Bring them all in my doing videos that not only entertain yourself but others who are looking for that content.

So for example, on a weekend film/edit three videos. Then post a video on Monday, then on Wednesday, then on Friday. Schedule those uploads if you get them done early. Stick with the schedule and if you have extra time on your hands, doing videos earlier will be great so you can take a break once in a while to recharge yourself. It is all about strategy.
Well guys, you all talk about doing stuff like cover popular songs, one direction and stuff like that..
At first, I really won't be able to upload once a week..
My parents just broke up so I don't have a piano one week out of two.
And second, I really only want to upload songs I really like and want to share, that doesn't include one direction or the popular popartists from today'.. I don't want to get my views from videos that I just upload to get views..
I rather upload a less known song that I like and get 100 views then upload the most popular song and get 10000 views.
My channel also represents my taste of music!
But thanks for the advice guys! Appreciate it!