Personally, I would just like an intro to gaming. A video explaining inside jokes and the lingo, all the best games etc. or like a weekly 'girl section' where you talk about stuff that would appeal to girls.[DOUBLEPOST=1380940797,1380940687][/DOUBLEPOST]
I would totally watch those..... Someone needs to bake me some zombie cupcakes now.You know, might be more constructive to give advice rather then be sarcastic.
Obviously I'm not picky with games that girls play. What gets me into liking another girl on YouTube who makes gaming videos is their personality. If they are cute, bubbly, funny, or cool I enjoy watching them. (examples: MittyMoxx, ihascupquake, Vengelfe) If they are ditsy, constantly trying to look sexy, and start battles with other girls on YouTube or act dramatic then I'd rather not watch. (examples: SSSniperWolf, GirlGoneGamer) But that's just me.
If a gaming channel is trying to appeal more to girls then guys, I would suggest adding videos into the mix like "geek beauty tips" and "nerdy baking ideas". Not to say all girls like beauty and cooking but a majority do. I (for example) want my channel to appeal to both guys and girls. Thus why I stick to making gender neutral videos and thus have an almost equal demographic of 50% girls and 50% guys. My channel goal is to not stick out for being a girl but to mesh well with other gaming channels in spite of that.