What was your first video like?

It was just me talking about my channel and what sort of stuff I'll put on my channel. Some of the cut aways were pretty funny but that was overriden by my dullness in the talking sections. I've definately improved although there have been one or two videos I've made since which I thought were actually worse than my first. As for lighting and sound I just put the camera down without even thinking about it, and I still do. So it was awful and It still is.
my first ever videos used to be on a different channel and they where all runescape. Mainly guides and such but I used to be in one of the high level clans (Level 125+) so people used to go over to my channel from the clan and such to watch the videos and I used to hit like 2k views per video.. but then I got hacked so the videos stopped for a while but I came back with a new account about 2 months later got some 99's on that videos getting around 1k views per video.. then that got hacked so I quit.. the quitting video got like 7k views :L and that was the end of my video and runescape days.. started up youtube again around a year ago making minecraft videos on my new channel, they're all now deleted and now I'm making; COD, portal 2 and assassins creed gameplays.. will be adding more soon :)
Mine was absolutely awful. It was me and my friend playing ping pong with a bunch of fun tricks. It was all one take, unedited, shot in my very dark basement with a low quality camera and awful audio. I've come a long way since then.
You have to learn to work with what you have no matter what the quality. When I started I used home lights and little digital cameras. Now I have full sets and editing bays. You have to take your time and learn with what you have and it'll give you a better appreciation for filmmaking.