What to talk about during a live gaming commentry?


New Member
Hey guys!

I am just wondering what is the best policy when doing live commentry, do i talk abut whats hapening on the game such analysing what is happening in front of mean and explaining what is happening?
While there's no written-in-stone way to do it, I recommend talking about what you're doing or planning to do in the game. Let the people know what you're thinking. And if you're doing a commentary talk about the WHOLE game, not just gameplay.
Talk about the music,
talk about the graphics and backgrounds,
talk about the systems and mechanics,
talk about the plot (if you like it or if you think it's dumb),
talk about things you've heard about this game,
talk about the developer,
talk about launch problems or dlc.

ANYTHING YA GOT, about the game.
I'd also like to add it's not mandatory to constantly talk, if you don't have anything interesting to say you can just let the game go on its own, so people can decide by themselves on what to focus.
I mean yeah you can talk about the game, but after awhile that can seem a bit dry. Add in other topics as well and stuff spice it up :)
You can talk about anything about the game, or you know make jokes about a specific situation in a game, situational comedy always works ;)
otherwise you can do like a lot of youtubers and talk about a specific topic during a video, that's more or less what I do now. Also don't forget that if you have nothing to say, don't say anything, you can edit a white out in post to only keep in the interesting stuff :)
Honestly, I've seen a variety of gaming commentary videos! Some people talk about the game, some talk about completely unrelated topics and let the gameplay just be a visual asset while the viewer listens in.

Talk about things that come natural to you, things that you're passionate and well-informed about.

The last thing you need in a gaming commentary video is commentary that is dull, boring and misinformed.

Best of luck :)
thanks guys, would you say its important to write topics down and notes before you start a live commentary?
If you have an audience, you can always find off topics to talk about as well. Engage your audience and they will come back for more.
Just anything about the game or that's in basic relations with it.

I plan on doing some Sonic game commentary (Hey, stop laughing!!) and I plan to talk about my affection and memories for the series, opinions on aspects of the franchise, and go off-topic on what Big the Cat's idyllic life reminds me of...[DOUBLEPOST=1474503646,1474503534][/DOUBLEPOST]
thanks guys, would you say its important to write topics down and notes before you start a live commentary?
As a newbie LP'er, I'd say if there's something that you REALLY wanted to talk about or make notice of, I would, but I think people like the Grumps or Markiplier just shoot the breeze about things or react to the insanity on the screen. It's totally up to you.