What to consider when choosing a YouTube network

Very excellent post! I've been looking for questions and information to ask of potential networks. I'm getting to the point where I will eventually look at applying to some and after the horror stories I've heard about how some guys have been screwed by certain networks, to say I'm being cautious is an understatement. :)

Here's a question I haven't seen answered anywhere else as yet: What should I ask potential partners with regards to licenses with game publishers for use of footage? I currently produce two shows, one which is all retro titles (some of whose developers/publishers are still around, some not) and another which is a co-op Let's Play of more modern stuff. I've heard two schools of thought when it comes to game play footage. One is that networks have licenses to use content from certain companies (but no one has them all) and that working with a network like that is critical, otherwise you can't monetise game play videos (I currently run AdSense and a lot of my videos do get successfully monetised.) The other is that most of the networks utilise the Fair Use defense anyway and that they just submit your videos under claim, thus bypassing YouTube's random review process. Those who use this line of thinking say that partnership with a network provides no real copyright protection and won't help you avoid strikes or monetization claims against your videos (for example, what's happening with Nintendo and Let's Plays right now.)

Does anyone have advice about what I should expect from a network on this issue and what I should ask them?
All most of the networks utilise the Fair Use defense anyway and that they just submit your videos under claim, thus bypassing YouTube's random review process. Those who use this line of thinking say that partnership with a network provides no real copyright protection and won't help you avoid strikes or monetization claims against your videos (for example, what's happening with Nintendo and Let's Plays right now.)

Does anyone have advice about what I should expect from a network on this issue and what I should ask them?

No networks have ANY lisesnes from all that I've been able to determine. And I've talked to all of them I could get my hands on - big and little. Some would admit to fair use, others would just say "we are allowed to monetize" but couldn't specify which developers or any restrictions.

bit more info here: http://yttalk.com/threads/how-anyon...without-a-network-a-lesson-in-fair-use.47720/
No networks have ANY lisesnes from all that I've been able to determine. And I've talked to all of them I could get my hands on - big and little. Some would admit to fair use, others would just say "we are allowed to monetize" but couldn't specify which developers or any restrictions.

bit more info here: http://yttalk.com/threads/how-anyon...without-a-network-a-lesson-in-fair-use.47720/

Machinima? Not even indie game licences? They are one I believe might have a few.
Machinima? Not even indie game licences? They are one I believe might have a few.
Indie game licenses are broad spectrum: anyone can take advantage of them with relatively few limitations/restrictions.

And yes, I talked with Machinima and they were not able to provide details or proof of any such licenses.
Indie game licenses are broad spectrum: anyone can take advantage of them with relatively few limitations/restrictions.

And yes, I talked with Machinima and they were not able to provide details or proof of any such licenses.

So how do a lot of partnered YouTubers get around having their videos randomly refused and denied monetisation unless they assert they have full commercial rights? Is it true that networks can bypass YouTube's review process and just permit all your videos to be monetized? I'm running AdSense right now and the problem I get is that certain videos (I assume random as there's no pattern to it) get flagged and I get asked to click a button saying I have full commercial rights to them. Right now, I just ignore those requests and let those videos go unmonetised. Were I to get partnered, is this something that wouldn't happen any morre? Can only certain networks do that? Should that be among the questions I ask any prospective networks I apply to?
Indie game licenses are broad spectrum: anyone can take advantage of them with relatively few limitations/restrictions.

And yes, I talked with Machinima and they were not able to provide details or proof of any such licenses.

Interesting, thanks. :)
s it true that networks can bypass YouTube's review process and just permit all your videos to be monetized?

They don't bypass anything but when you are linked to a CMS account, monetization is replaced with Claiming Options which then you can "claim" your video and monetizes it instantly with no questions asked.
They don't bypass anything but when you are linked to a CMS account, monetization is replaced with Claiming Options which then you can "claim" your video and monetizes it instantly with no questions asked.

Ahh OK, that makes sense. Similar results but a different method to the same end. Thanks! :)
Reina Is it possible to sticky this thread? Sorry for asking but I spent a lot of time on it and I think it has some good information people need to know. :)