Mythamanians (or Mythamaniacs)
Taco Lovers
Taco Bros

Eeh, the top three I could think of. I like the first one, but maybe I would be the only one. It just rolls off the tongue so cool.
when you start recording, say "well hello there, my scrumptious little delicious beans. Today we are making a video that is like a taco. I could never do it without you, my precious beanie weenies. Don't forget to put on the cheese by subscribing, and put on some salsa by sharing with your friends."

Go with this one. I just woke up and this post made my morning.
Until you grow a strong, loyal and dedicated fan base I wouldnt really bother or look into creating a subscriber name just yet. Maybe when you hit the 200+ mark then you can consider giving them a name cause by then you should have a solid influx of views which should build the foundation of a loyal fanbase.

I say hold off till you get off your feet more :)