what should i name my subscribers?

Do something that is more natural to you. Forcing a name to call your viewers isn't a good idea IMO. It makes you seem fake.

I call mine Pals because that's what I use in real life. Heya pal. Things like that.
I would let them name themselves, those are the names that stick! And if you look at some of the biggest youtubers they dont name their fans at all. Zoella, Thattcher Joe, Tobuscus, Shane Dawson, Ingrid Nilson, Hannah Hart... none of them name the people that watch them
So iv been thinking about my channel and how to improve it then realized i have no name for my subscribers. My youtube is called StruckByEvil and thats what i go by. any suggestions for what i can call my subs?
Once they have been struck by evil they should be HELLIONS. In Marvel comics they were also the younger mutant heros.
I think hellions or evildoers were good suggestions based on your youtube name. I myself had this idea come up about a month ago and chose "thumbytes" for my viewers (channel called thumbhais)