What Should I Draw Next?

Marvin the martian is just an interesting character, but it is nice to see somebody else doing suggestions. You might like mine, even though the suggestions I paint are a little different then yours. It is cool to just see you do specific characters.
Thanks! When it comes to drawing i can't just draw anything i need ideas and the best ideas come from the audience and if someone doesn't like it they can walk away.[DOUBLEPOST=1390296802,1390290179][/DOUBLEPOST]
homer simpson :p
Homer Simpson is Uploaded
Thanks! When it comes to drawing i can't just draw anything i need ideas and the best ideas come from the audience and if someone doesn't like it they can walk away.[DOUBLEPOST=1390296802,1390290179][/DOUBLEPOST]
Homer Simpson is Uploaded
nice, just watched it :)
Marvin the martian
i almost finished with the video and accidentally lost 2 of the 3 files so at the moment im trying to recover them.

iits goings to take over 10 hours -.- but i hope this search isn't all for nothing. if it doesn't work i will redraw. i will carry on with the others for the time being.
i almost finished with the video and accidentally lost 2 of the 3 files so at the moment im trying to recover them.

iits goings to take over 10 hours -.- but i hope this search isn't all for nothing. if it doesn't work i will redraw. i will carry on with the others for the time being.

I feel your pain, this is my biggest fear. I am working on a painting right now that I have around 50 hours of footage for at the moment, if I lose one of those files I am completely screwed. Good luck.
thanks! just to let ypu know I found one files and i think its enough to upload. i will just fade the start.
I feel your pain, this is my biggest fear. I am working on a painting right now that I have around 50 hours of footage for at the moment, if I lose one of those files I am completely screwed. Good luck.