What qualities do you like/dislike to see in a let's player?

Like: clear voice, interesting personality, good gameplay
Dislike: Overreacting, swearing, talking in cutscenes, no focus gameplay, bad in the game(bad gameplay)
They have to actually sound alive when they're playing a game. Like ffs don't sit playing this game like you're in a zombie outbreak and you're stuck in a basement, only seen light 3 times in your life and are so sleep deprived you're basically dead...
Basically they have to have emphasis in their voice, sound entertaining. That's one of the main factors that draw me in.
I personally look for personality in a lets player. But by that, I don't mean they need to be loud all the time. My favorite lets players are the Game Grumps because they work so well together as a pair. And their main focus is the comedy they produce instead of what game they are playing.
For me they've got to make me feel like I want to play with them and that really is a broad blanket term I realise but you know it when you do. I really don't see why swearing is too much of a problem and the games involved have to be interesting.

As for what I frown upon, I think there is such a thing as too much editing which can really detract from the video. I also don't like negative and arrogant YouTubers such as PewDiePie - gotta be responsible with all dat power.
I didn't realise so many people were against swearing. Especially as most games feature swearing in them these days, and violence. Also I would prefer an honest reaction, not a thought out one where they have consciously stopped themselves from swearing before reacting.