What qualities do you like/dislike to see in a let's player?


So the title pretty much explains it, what makes a let's player stand out for YOU personally?

What qualities do you frown upon?

I think for me personally I tend to like people who look like they have fun and maybe not so much the ones that tell everyone to subscribe a whole ton.(not that that's horrible imo or anything xD)

Oh! any tips and experiences share it!
Yeah I have to agree if they say to subscribe a thousand times in the stream it can get annoying...saying it maybe once or twice throughout a stream would be good. I also like it when people interact with their audience, for example let's say they're in a stream it's cool when they respond to the comments you write. I also like it when they are energetic and funny, maybe before you start a video you could have a paper or idea in mind of a story you're going to tell or some jokes you could say throughout the video to keep the viewer watching. Anyways that's what I believe, hope this helps! :)
They should react to every situation going around the game. They should just enjoy playing the game, if they don't enjoy, audience won't be able to enjoy as well. Funny commentaries are an added advantage for LETS PLAYERS.
I don't like when they SWEAR too much, this puts down the reputation of the channel.
They should look like they are having fun and enjoying the game. If the game is boring - bring the excitement to the game!
Swearing is a number one that would make me click away almost instantly. Don't get me wrong I swear in real life, but when i want to watch a LP video or stream, I would like for it to be pleasant and chill.
Asking for subs or follows time and time again through the same stream or video, gets annoying after a while.
If it is a stream, then interact with your viewers. If a LP video, I dont care much either way, as long as they are having fun and are reacting to the game as it plays out its all fine.

In the end its the personality that will attract or put people off. Some like angry swearing stuff, other like relaxed and chill. So in the end, just do what feels natural.
Like: Funny, interesting personality, not being lazy with editing (cutting out boring parts), Collaboration videos with other gamers
Dislike: Overreacting (like most of the horror game gamers), Uploading too much (3+ videos a day)
Its the voice, always the voice for me. I can pick up any game that a let's player... plays, and... play it, most likely at or around the same skill level, so the gameplay doesn't matter to me. Nor do the stories that they throw in to "entertain", If I am setting out some of my time to watch someone else play a game I want a David Attenborough up there talking to me. Yes I know not everyone can have a voice of silver, but... well it's my opinion right?
I like people who are real and quite polar opposite to me generally. If I want to watch me playing a game I will play it and record it, that's how my channel started. People like Speedy. I tend to find the people I watch would be people I would never be friends with in real life. In fact I could put money on if they were in same pub as me it would annoy me. I think that makes me weird. But then again I suppose if I wanted to sit and listen to people who I would like to go to the pub with, I would just call them and go to the pub.
Thanks for all the replies everyone! Its really telling and there are a bunch of aspects I took for granted, I mean heck every single one of these points is pretty darn awesome. And consequently thanks for being awesome!