What makes Channel art good?

I think a good channel art is simple and clear. It gives some info about your channel and what type of vibe you're giving off. So I say go for a nice, cool, not-overly-saturated look.
I like channel art that is not too complicated but not too simple to where it looks like there was no work put in. I really respect people who take a lot of time on their channel art because it shows that they really care. I would have to say my channel art is my favorite just because i spent about 4 hours on it, changing it and tweaking it until I found a design I was in love with.
I feel like good channel art is a design is...

A Design thats easily recognizable
Easy to read/say text (thick text))
Contrast in colour but not too much contrast
Short and Sweet (no long texts)

If you can combine these features I feel like you could create pretty good Channel Art
Channel art is meant to be something original, so develop your own style. Making it simple yet noticeable. Most of all make something that you like.
something that describes your channel without the need for lots of text and an intro video. I'm pleased with my icon, but can't wait to change my channel border art it's not suited at all