What Kind of Music Sparks Your Creativity?

I need less distracting music when I'm trying to be creative. I enjoy listening to a smaller indie band called Snake Rattle Rattle Snake.
Depends on the project I guess and what it is I am hoping to accomplish. In general, just having any music somewhere going on helps me focus. I remember reading this article that talked about classical music helping you learn and retain information, but the down side being that the associative quality of the music is such that people would require it to be being played during a a time when they needed to recall the information. Such as during an exam. Never had an issue though. I just always keep all the music playing every moment I can. Just makes life better.

Just keep the music playing, I like it :)
I pretty much just open Pandora and click a random station, then change to another when I get bored of that. My favorite genres include trance, drum n bass, rock, metal, classical, and jazz.

Sometimes I might put on a podcast or something in the background instead (e.g. the Rooster Teeth Drunk Tank). Hearing friendly conversation puts me in a fine mood for some reason.