What is your most amazing moment in your Youtube career?

One of my videos caused a bunch of my viewers to reach out to me and ask me for some personal help. The feeling I got from knowing that my video touched their lives is amazing.
Probably after making my Chromecast videos. They picked up so much attention on YouTube and lots of them come up at the top of search when searching for that topic :D.
Seeing the story about one of my videos travel all the way from the US back to the local newspaper of my parents' town (where I grew up).

It was funny to see how articles popped up on US websites over night, then European websites followed a few hours and days later. At some point, Japanese sites seem to have posted about it and then a regional website (Northern Bavaria) posted an article about and I guess that's when finally an actual print newspaper called my Dad and he gave them my phone number (I hope he doesn't give it to every stranger) and then they called me for an interview resulting in a half page article with a photo. yay!

It'll take a while to top that moment :)