What is your average audience retention?

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I'm running at an average of 64.3% with my best being 84.7.
My tip to everyone is to make a quick punch early in the video. Something that will make them watch for a bit. Then another quick jab a little before half way and the finish big in the hopes they will share/like/comment/make love to you
It's at 43%. I have one video over 60%, which I consider to be pretty good considering my channel is pretty much new.
Im only 38% but 38% means 8 mins of my video (my videos are long) would that be taken into account?
My average is 20% so about 1/5 of the video is being watch and my videos are around 15 minutes so 3 minutes of it gets watched before people leave.
my average is 51.1, i do have some videos that are in the 92-96%, some videos are longer and they lose interest

how do i have some that are above 100? i ahve some like 113
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