What is the "easiest" type of channel to create/start?

I would say vlogging, between my gaming channel, and my vlog the gaming channel required a lot more setup and moving parts, whereas the vlogs are as painless as you want, there are some really poor quality vlogs that do just fine, but if you have a high standard of quality then anything is potentially hard to get started.
Hey, thanks for your input! That is true with the quality. I think that is the reason why it has been taking me ages, first buying all the equipment and all. That is why I will start off with animated videos. :)
I use a GoPro session w/ built-in mic for lack of anything better, quality isn't great but one day I will get an upgrade.
Oh, ok. The point is that you started which is good. :D The best way to upgrade is, when you are monetizing and it pays for itself :p