YTtalk Mad
Really enjoyed watching content.. tried to dabble in beauty but ultimately decided to be me and I've always been told I'm quirky.. I was named Class Clown so I decided to start a Comedyish channel!
Same here. I've always been obsessed with makeup, and matching up different colors so they look good to me. Right now, I am expanding my perception of beauty, and am starting in making inner beauty and fashion videos. I sometimes find it a remedy for my "boring" life. And I agree with the "excuse" part. I find my self to have way more reason in buying more makeup, so I can use them in hauls and first impression videos.I am obsessed with fashion. I have been my whole life, the very first toy I bought for myself with allowance money was a Barbie fashion plate set. I loved playing with bedsheets to build forts and drape dresses. I went to fashion school and got my certificate in fashion design, and the videogames I play are dress-up themed. I have some frustrations about what I see other people wearing, so I wanted to make videos to share my knowledge of how to dress yourself! It's an excuse to go shopping so that I'm not wearing the same thing in every video, and a chance to wear the cool stuff I have that isn't really "work" appropriate. This is an outlet for my psychedeliac fashionista urges.