What inspired you to start making videos?

Cherry Tung

I've Got It
Let me start. I always liked watching makeup videos and just beauty videos in general. People like bubzbeauty really inspire me. I made a couple videos before I started this channel, but I was really nervous and unsure about them, so I kept them private. When I entered college, I just felt that I was so boring and "normal". I thought to myself: what can make me stand out? What do I really like to do?

Thoughts like that inspired me to make my first video, and many more after that.
I just thought it was fun and something else to do. My hobby was video games (with the internet 95% of the time), so whenever I didn't feel like playing them with the online section, doing commentary over the game was just something else to do.
I originally loved playing football/soccer. I loved watching videos, and I though I had it in me to give tutorials with my uncle on the Adamf0 channel. I was then persuaded by my friends to create a youtube channel with them, in which I ended up keeping alive until I forgot the password. And then I was inspired by other comedy sketches and funny vlogs. In which I made my emphatic return to YouTube. So, in conclusion, I was inspired by multiple things there.
For me I knew a year ago I wanted to travel the world, it wasn't until about 2 months before I was about to leave that I started watching over travel vloggers on youtube and I thought it would be cool to do the same, plus I feel it forces me to do more exciting stuff so I can make better videos, instead of sitting around all the time (while im staying in countries for longer periods of time)
I am obsessed with fashion. I have been my whole life, the very first toy I bought for myself with allowance money was a Barbie fashion plate set. I loved playing with bedsheets to build forts and drape dresses. I went to fashion school and got my certificate in fashion design, and the videogames I play are dress-up themed. I have some frustrations about what I see other people wearing, so I wanted to make videos to share my knowledge of how to dress yourself! It's an excuse to go shopping so that I'm not wearing the same thing in every video, and a chance to wear the cool stuff I have that isn't really "work" appropriate. This is an outlet for my psychedeliac fashionista urges.
A few years ago I would love to game and watch people play so I made a channel it was pure crap lol. Now Im wokring on music channel I already have a group one but now Im working on a solo one. the past two years I fell in love with rap (not the 420 gangsta crap ones) and the stories they told. I decided to write my own and Im now isnpred to sing them my self after listing to Inquity rhymes and Norads song alone. I havent made a video where I sing in it yet but working on it
My partner, Cloud, and I both loved playing video games together. We just thought the next step in gaming was YouTube, so we tried it out and we love it lol
Bart Baker song parodies inspired me to start making videos, I always wanted to be in film industry, hope one day I will be in Hollywood :)