what game should i play?!?!?!?

Play whatever you like! You can always ask your viewers what you should play next, but if you don't like playing the game yourself you can see that in the videos! So I would pick a game that you really enjoy playing and record, that way you are more excited during playing. ;)
As a lets player if you have to ask what to play then are you sure you should be doing this?But if you want advice then play stuff people will search for because thats what you gotta do at the beginning to grow and maintain an audience :) keep them interested you know
As a lets player if you have to ask what to play then are you sure you should be doing this?But if you want advice then play stuff people will search for because thats what you gotta do at the beginning to grow and maintain an audience :) keep them interested you know
im not really planning on becoming famous im just doing it for a hobby and wanna know what people like
I recommend you play any new games that are recent or even find some older games that not many people have uploaded before
Over Watch, Fallout 4, and CS-GO are probably the most popular games right now. Although if you wait until games like Battlefield 1 and No Mans Sky release you could probably hook onto their huge fan bases. Thus getting more dat YouTube money. jk, And if all else fails theirs always Minecraft. -John