What equipment do you use ?


Active Member
I'm fairly new to this and hopefully when I've got more time (I sometimes work more than 24 hours for days with just short naps) I can make my channel look more polished but i was just wondering what equipment do people use to make videos.
I use a snowball blue mic for the narration .I hand draw then upload via a scanner and usually colour it in with paintpad .
I use windows movie maker to edit and make my vids as it's very simple. I use audacity to record my narration and also edit it .
I also use a logitech C920 webcam if I make face to camera segments but I've only made one (I did use it for a Netflix review show on my 'normal channel ' but the vids were woeful and dull that's another story ).
I see vids with some smart graphics and inserted links which I think I should get round to doing , I feel slightly ashamed my channel looks a bit cruddy maybe , my logo in the vids is even handrawn and coloured in with felt tips ! and then uploaded .
I do sometimes use a software program called Sony movie studio suite ,it cost about £22 and I use it for any green screen effects with my drawings .
sometimes I use cellphone for audio recording/narration unless it was recorded with video already, as for video you can try using cellphone's back camera, if you have multiple cameras on back then research your phone on gsmarena website to see which one of them is better in low light if such are the conditions (look for aperture & pixel size/amount,,,, if you are looking at a camera a used Sony a6300 has excellent 4K quality, a6100 is an upgraded version with selfie screen