What do you think I should choose?

Great thread and some really good suggestions, if you don't want it too wordy how about using some acronyms for example GIMP (this is only an example as I know there's a photo editing program called gimp but just to think is another direction), so your intro could be 'hey guys, it's Hannah here from GIMP where gaming is my passion.....' This was just what came to me from the words you were using but you could do a little play on words to get something catchy like that which also makes it easy for people to remember.
You are so freakin smart! How did I not think of that? How do you think I could fit that into my intros?
Thank you so much
Glad you like the suggestion! I think you might need to play on words a bit and find a way that feels natural for you and that fits with your audience. Maybe an into where the first letter pops up on the screen followed by the word till it spells out your slogan, again it really needs to suit your style. You can also get lots of great sounds and music free through the youtube library so perhaps you'll find a tune you like and can build your intro around that? It's all really an interpretation on your personality and the audience you are looking to attract. I say that as I realise I am a koala and would like a lot more than an Australian audience however people know straight away I'm Australian... something along those lines but again it really needs to be something that is all about you, your identity :) I hope that is somewhat helpful and doesn't just confuse you further.