What do you think about my channel idea?


New Member
Hello everyone,

I've just created my channel (haven't uploaded anything yet), because I wanted to ask others if the idea is good or I will just make a fool out of myself :redface::woot2:

My idea is to reviewing/testing(for example bend testing phones or drop testing :p), products that my viewers would suggest, and then I will give away the item I've used in the video to my viewers. (Having a tour around the world!!)
(Use a random generator to maybe choose random comment page and commend number from the top etc etc)
And also filming the way I will be doing to give my viewers the item by myself.. (only if they live close and I will have budget if I will have enough subscribers :D)

Maybe at first I will start with giveaway inside my country so I won't have to spend flight tickets, but if I will have enough subscribers I promise I will fly to you, if you want to see my face ofcourse :pompus:
Yep it is too expensive I guess, by the way, I wasn't planning to buy a new product, but give the one I tested, I mean wou'ldnt you want to get the bent iphone from the iphone 6 bend test? :p
And also to travel alot? sounds fun, only if this succeeds hehe, but I would sub to a channel that every time gives away a product, or listen to me about what I want to see reviewed or tested, or just display its functions, and maybe have a chance to get it. Maybe I can start with things I have and traveling inside my country first (bus tickets aren't too expensive :p)

Will you subscribe or just be p****d at such channel ? :O
I agree with most everyone else here. It's a niche idea that is very expensive. If you want to do a review channel, it might be better to do it for a while first and then gradually increase the number of giveaways you do. Keep in mind that in this sort of scenario, you probably don't want to be making less money than you're spending on the channel.
Product reviews can be lucrative, but giving stuff away every video sounds like sure way to eat up all your profits!
It may eat my profits, if I will have any :giggle:, but you know what, if I will have some sort of profit, at first I will buy with this profit more items to test and giveaway (within the profit budget) so I don't mind not making money at all at first, I really want to have audience it sounds fun :)

Oh well,
You know what? I am going to buy a new phone soon, so I will show it , and say that if I get enough subscribers or reviews I will give it away..
Once I get my phone I will make a video.
Btw any suggestion for a new phone? :) (mine was finally broken after 2 years :O!)
If there is one great thing about "new product review" channels... The videos command a far higher cpc in adwords than do generic vlogs, music & gamer lets-plays. That is to say, if you happened to be an adsense partner as opposed to a managed network with contracted dollar amount, you could see obscene cpm's in revenue. I still imagine you would need to realistically expect a few 100K views per video for each one befor it's self sufficient. More to this though, if you bought an Iphone 6 just to break it, you would probably far surpass the approx. 300K views needed with the right social sharing technique.