What do you like about comedy?

I personally don't think you can brainstorm comedy.
Comedy just comes to you - like if something genuinely funny happens, or if you think of something witty.
You have to be really smart, or really mentally ill to make up comedy.

Personal experiences are the best comedy.

Tom (notttom)
Thanks, for the answers. I was just curious what you were thinking because for example smosh is so famous but I find most of the videos not really funny. It was just a question out of curiosity.

I personally don't think you can brainstorm comedy.
Comedy just comes to you - like if something genuinely funny happens, or if you think of something witty.
You have to be really smart, or really mentally ill to make up comedy.

Personal experiences are the best comedy.

Tom (notttom)

Maybe I expressed myself incorrectly. It wasn't really brainstorming more like ideas coming to my mind and I wrote it down just in case. Sorry, didn't want to confuse you.
What don't I like about comedy? ^^ That's the true question. Although the answer is everything.
Comedy can actually be taught. There are plenty of books on the subject:

I've read 4/5 books about comedy, I've been on 2 comedy courses. I can honestly say they have taught be nothing but presentation skills. I've been doing stand up for some time now, and for me, writing is easy, because if something happens I can expand on the truth. but I honestly dont think you can invent a funny scinareo that people will believe.
There's a connection with genuine experiances
I don't really think anybody can explain comedy or explain how to be funny or what is funny, especially a book!. So many people like different things and so many people are offended by what others think is funny. A great example is what Jim Norton talks about on the FX show, 'Totally Biased With W. Kamau Bell'. It's a great debate about comedy. Its about misogyny in comedy and what is off-limits, but I think it also shows how you really can't label what IS comedy or what IS NOT comedy. There's an extended clip on youtube at:
Yeah I like seing original people being themselves. Not trying to imitate anyone.

Anything that surprises me makes me laugh. In fact, I think its the scientific definition for laughter. Its a defense mechanism against surprising stuff. True story.
So you'd be ok watching RomanAtwood, or he's an "imitator" :)