What do you like about comedy?


Professional Klutz
Hello my dear fellows.

So, I'm currently brainstorming for ideas for my first videos. I've so many ideas and now it came to my mind: what do people like to see. This is my question for you, buddies.
What do you want to see in a funny video? Which Themes do you like the most? I'm just curious what your ideas and wishes are.

I love QI, HIGNFY and Fawlty Towers, not sure how they could be explained...Witty dialogue? Perfect timing? Dunno, defining comedy is a bit tough ^^
I personally like it when I watch a comedy video on YouTube if the person doesn't laugh at his own jokes or pause to let you laugh..
Or *shudders* insert fake laughs
I'm more of the... absurd premises and over the top acting and random quirkyness kind of comedy lover, I'm not too into "it's funny because it's true" but that's what most people seem to like.