What Design??!!


What Design or Logo Could it be???? I'm So Confuse Right now with my logo. I need something cool and never existed before... or not XD. Can U Suggest Me a logo design for my name AbyssDroidZ?
maybe you can come up with an icon that represents AbyssDroidz. Like an animatronic face, broken in half so you can see the insides but the inside is an abyss
You could always go the way I did.. I looked for artwork with a wolf and then used that to inspire my logo which I made myself in photoshop and then put my name under the logo using C4D (Cinema 4d).

I like it that way because I have the logo itself saved on it's own too so I have the option to use that alone somewhere if I ever want to.

So search google images for droid artwork and work it out from that. A Dishonored inspired logo sounds pretty cool to me.