I've Got It
I get your point and I agree with you, for example I like how green and black look on my channel, i feel like it goes well with the idea of 'unidentified' but i got a few suggestions saying it may be a bit too dark, and that I should go for bright colours, like orange. I agree with that as well...but I think it's pretty difficult to use colors in a good way and also not make it look childish. I suppose in the end you can never really tell what is best.
Uhm i think you should go with your own aesthetic but just make sure the texts or anything you want salient are salient? like say if you had some writing on the banner or the thumbnail, it needs to be treated with a background highlight if it isn't clear enough. There are plenty of people who probably like that aesthetic that youre going for and would appreciate it.
And last but not least, pleased to meet you C: