What brought you to YouTube?

I've been watching YouTube since it started but never posted a video until I had a need. I realized that I could ask for help on my truck which had a mechanical problem. I made a video and directed it through tags to the right crowd of viewers. My question got answered and I saved a lot of money fixing my truck myself. I made another video fixing the problem because the comments I was getting on the first video were about the same problem. I saw not only my need for help but others that needed my help too. After 20,000 views on my first video, YouTube sent me an email inviting me to monetize on my videos. I waited several months before I got into the settings on my channel to set it up. My first channel I turned into a channel to help others with Dodge Trucks. It's been active since 2007 and does pretty well. Trucks are not my passion but I don't mind helping people and as long as I have the truck I will do that.

Now I have a new channel devoted to helping people with technology, how to knowledge for YouTube and probably some other relevant randomness.
I decided to join YouTube because at the time I was looking for reviews of Spider-Man: The Animated Series but there wasn't any that was very good and I reckoned I could do a better job. So I set out to make a review that was both descriptive, informative and showed that I was fan of the show. Eventually the video really took off and then I got into film reviews afterwards.
This has turned into quite a popular thread, Thank you to every one that has joined in :) It's been very interesting so far.
TotalBiscuit, and Jesse Cox. TB and Jesse, because they just seem like amazing people.

These two folks are my main reason for doing what I am doing and in a way they are my main mentors through this torrid time of starting out in the gaming YT scene
I stumbled upon a video by charlieissocoollike and thought, "wait, talking to your camera about whatever you want and then putting it on YouTube is a thing? I can do that!"

So I tried, loved it, and still do it every week!
I just want to know what brought you to YouTube and what inspired you to make videos. I've had several accounts on YouTube so far and the people that inspired me to make them were people like TheSyndicateProject and TheRadBrad. I still watch them to this day because their content has always stayed great.

Youtube, untouched by corporate greed, is a great venue for up and coming filmmakers and actors who either cannot shell out hundreds of dollars to enter their film in a film festival or do not have the connections to get their movie showcased in a so-called independent film festival (the NY horror Film Festival comes to mind as an example.) What attracted me to youtube was a venue i can voice and express my ideas. I just need to do the leg work and gain enough subscriptions to gain the hits my videos need for recognition.
I first started off as a MacBoy (tutorials, apple product review, stuff like that) but I was no good, I guess you could call me a noob. Later on during my immature ways I've keep on moving to different type of groups on youtube. I was never welcome in any of them.

Everything went down hill... until I was introduce to a program call "Stykz" (stick figure program), My first animation was a stick figure just clowning around and all my friends loved it. I remember I've received a message by a stick figure animator name Hopdiddy (I guess you could call him the best stick figure animator ever) messaged me saying "I like your stuff, it reminds me when I first started animating, keep it up!" it means allot to me for someone like him, admiring your work, I was Motivated.
Now, I'm still making Stick Figure videos youtube, meeting new people everyday, getting notice on the web & Knowing what I'm good at. :)
When I was in school, I had to make short videos and I fell in love with the idea and the whole process of it. That brought me to Youtube where I watched others produce their own original content. And from there I eventually discovered vlogging, which is what I'm doing now. My friends and I have some plans to create our own videos... We're still working on it ;)