What Branding ACTUALLY Means


Hey everyone! My name is MATTERS! Now I've been thinking about this for a while. what does BRAND really mean. now I don't know if this still is the case, but a long time ago Cattle farmers used to brand their cows with initials or symbols to mark that cow as their own. Branding inst very different nowadays. Its basically putting your mark on something and claiming it as your own. Here's an example. On my old channel I used to say "HOLY BAWLS" I would scream this when I played games lol. eventually though people starting quoting me in the comments just typing the words "HOLY BAWLS" I realized then what branding really is. I could've kept running with it and made HOLLY BAWLS T-shirts or HOLY BAWLS Hats! That's what real branding is. it's having an insider piece of content or catch phrase or style that makes a brand come to life. You all know "Hows it goin bros my name is PEWDIEPIE" and if you know that then you definitely know what a Brofist is. So what is it that makes your channel unique? figure that out and use that to help define what your brand is, what it means, and what your can provide to the people who enjoy it the most. Hope this was helpful and I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about branding!
Thank you,
Basic kit:

- Themed media; header, logo/icon, video icon, end cards.
- Catchphrases, specifically openers and/or closers