What are your catchphrases?

Do you think repetitive phrases build engagement?

  • Absolutely, or even just a little bit.

    Votes: 37 97.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
Yes! I'm addicted. Always catching pokemon outside of my work. Wait. Actually. I just thought of something. And i think i like it :) You work in mysterious ways there Shaunte. Thank you!
... Did I miss something? Whatever it was, you're welcome! What did toy think of?
I start usually with "HEY GUYS WTF IS UP"(and so forth with a little sarcasm) and I also let them know to hit the like button in the first and last part of the video. I end with "I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did make sure u like share and subscribe if you haven't already. PEACE!!" Thats mine:bounce::wavespin::wavespin::wavespin::bounce:
I typically open my videos with "Whats up everyone, Dieugirl here, and welcome to..." then either the name of the game or a unboxing video. I end my videos with "Thank you so much for watching, if you like the video please like and comment down below, it really helps me out a lot. Take care of each other, and see ya'll later!"

The catch phrase I use most in my videos is 'Fudge Nuggets' because I felt bad saying the 'F' word all the time.
I dont really have an intro apart from a clip for when i vlog
But i have started ending mine with "Stay loose, here if ye need me, Peace in" just because... well its not good being all uptight, im there to help and listen to any of my viewers who may need someone. and cause peace in so its here xD since peace out is like peace leaving haha i dunno xD i dont always use it but i sometimes conclude with that then my end text.

As for the little back and forth on this thread. calls to action are very important.. your right folk aint stupid and know the buttons are there... but sometimes just need that little push to actually click it. its all good stuff for growth even though i dont do it cause well if im honest i dont much care for my channels growth haha im just in it for the love of creation
In all my fact videos before i begin the countdown I name the big character of whatever the topic and I say they approve and I have done it for a year now :P I think it does anyway hehe XD
I don't have a catchphrase. If anything its just "hello" and "thank you" lol
But I do believe it could definitely make you memorable especially if its unique, simple and you say it every video.
Yeah, I like to have my channel branded the right way and since I started I've been using "this is your Captain speaking.." as an intro line.
As an outro I'm always saying the same kinda stuff like "Thank you for watching, leave a like, leave a comment, and subscribe to join the ship today, and as always, have a nice day!"
I must admit my outro line can definitely be improved on, but I'm fine with it all :)