What and where to Vlog?

this might sound silly, but why dont you just vlog around home and try to make boring day to day tasks like washing up or what not fun ? , like try to invent a washing up game XD lol
Wondering where I should Volg and what I should talk about? Hmm...
Anyone that comes up with a good idea will get a shout out!

you can literally vlog about anything in the world - that's what's so good about it! I usually pick something that's been bugging me and talk about that. it feels good to let it all out sometimes... okay that sounded weirder than I intended.

I had a look at your last couple of vlogs, seems like your doing a good job of it! keep it up!
Wondering where I should Volg and what I should talk about? Hmm...
Anyone that comes up with a good idea will get a shout out!

Vlog about what you are into. I do commentary/rants about gaming stuff of all kinds. Usually industry or future of gaming predictions, strategies for the business side. Be interesting, be theoretical, make sure its entertaining and well thought out. Also, do more then one take. Those people that do the 1 take and its full of awkward pauses and "uhh uhhh uhhh yeah so uhhh" don't get very popular. Being articulant when you speak is the best advice I can give you.