"We've worked with your MCN to include you in the YouTube Partner Program."

Whats bout share rate?

Nothing will change. Youtube will always take 45% from channels regardless. People were also confused about the payment threshold ($100) and 60 day payment period. This only applies if you are working directly with Youtube/Adsense and not an MCN. You still under payment terms of your MCN.
Guys I see an issue YOUTUBE NEW INVITATION this day , but I see that in blackhatworld this thing neither been discussed or im not finding here , youtube sent to all our channels Invitation of new terms of service and some people are confused including me also , it has many questions for this invitationin the YouTubes but nothing is concrete some MCN have explained to their partners but no MCN has not explained out evenly this thing example freedoom MCN explained this for their partners that there is nothing for concern and that every thing will continue with the same that youtube is just going to add some features to our channel . Meanwhile QuizGroup where im part of it Explains otherwise this situation and i will let you quote down their explation

'' Dear Partner,

You may YouTube Receive Offering an invitation from you to join the YouTube Partner Programme (YPP). It may Appear in your dashboard. We DO NOT suggest you to accept this offer Until we swear scarf ready to Provide you with all details You need to make Such an Important Decision. We are working with the YouTube team to Clarify all details. One of the points we have doubts about is a condition to Receive payments in 60 days. We have noticed other Potential Problems as well. We scarf revert to the issue soon.

For Those WHO have not accepted the offer we guarantee funds receiving regular According to our payment terms (transfers for November Will Be made on Dec 15-20). '

After I sent some emails to MCN Their answer returns - For Those WHO have not accepted the offer we guarantee funds receiving regular According to our payment terms (transfers for November Will Be made on Dec 15-20). What kind of will that mean for us that we have received this Invitation to YouTube will mean you can have postponement of payment or anything like that is really weird is happening ..

Do anyoeone here can explain to us what is hapening

Not really sure what it means, Im currently partnered with freedom so does this mean I can be partnered with freedom and be a youtube partner? I havnt clicked on the "review and accept terms" yet because im paranoid it might affect my mcn partnership. Has anyone gotten this message or know what it means?
This is for anyone thinking if they should accept the terms behind the blue bar that says:

We've worked with your MCN to include you in the YouTube Partner Program.

According to FULLSCREEN "you must accept these terms to continue earning revenue on YouTube and ensure you’re included in all upcoming YouTube feature releases."

Thanks to RobinPawn for making an insightful video on the subject.

FULLSCREEN article on "Youtube Partner Program and Cover Songs Update":

This only applies to MCN partnered channels
as normal Youtube partnered channels are already updated with these new terms.
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Hey guys. I've been avoiding this YPP thing since my AdSense account associated with YouTube has been disabled. I wonder if there's any risk accepting this YPP MCN thing with a disabled AdSense account?

Before I was able to avoid it fairly easily since it only shows up in my dashboard. But since yesterday the YPP thing keeps popping up automatically whenever I visit YouTube. It's like they are forcing you to join. Quite annoying really - not just the pop up part but that they are forcing you to join part too. Makes me feel like the deal is somewhat fishy.

UPDATE: My issue is solved as YouTube just restored my AdSense account. :v
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Youtube keeps giving me this pop-up saying they worked with my mcn. Should I accept, I plan on leaving my mcn soon so I do not know if this will lock me in with my current network. Can someone explain this to me.