Meet Up/Gathering Western Australia Peeps?!

Yeah i know Rockingham :) I go there a lot during the christmas period for the beach.
I'm on the other side haha 15mins away from Perth for me
Ugh I doubt I will :/ i thought there was a few more than this. I wanted to do a meet up in Perth City, haven't thought too much about it yet, all i've visioned is that we'd just go have fun, go to different places... like a vlog but with all Perth youtubers, & of course you would all talk about your channel & what not :)
Well I hope you gather up some more it would be fun to do stuff, I have yet to even do a face reveal yet because of my terrible out of sync camera so I need to get a new one first
Jb hi-fi is the place to get one :) well won't that be interesting, you could do the face reveal on the vlog haha
I really hope so too, it'll definitely be a fun day for all
OH! Well if you ever need help on trying to find stuff in Perth, ask me anytime :) more than happy to help.
Jb hifi is definitely the best place to go for that stuff, well i think so anyway. That's where I got my camera :)
Or you could just go to the generic Big w, Target, K-mart etc