Were your first Youtube videos bad ?

I only just started out on making videos and I feel like they're horrible! I hope to improve over time though.
I'm subbed to you, I'd say don't worry too much, you're doing good :D And you WILL improve! There's just no other way, haha.
If I look back at my first ever video...gosh, I have never been more nervous in my entire life! Making that one was basically a hell! I got good feedback on it, though, so I decided to keep it up.
My audio in my first video (let it be) was too loud and video was terrible, I was using sony vegas for editing and still dont know to use it, still learning and making things better I hope in my next videos.
Oh, my very first videos were SO bad. Back in 07 with my little Logitech webcam and no idea what I was doing...
The quality was terrible, I was awkward and the videos had little to no purpose.
Even when I started back up with The Rules, it took a while to find my groove again, but it just goes to show that it takes time to develop yourself on YT. Which is totally fine. I recommend not taking the embarrassing ones down. It really does show how far you've come.
Oh my God, I don't want to think about my first Let's Play - epic fail, lol. I was worried and I didn't know what to do :D But I feel that I am getting better now and thank God. :)
my first videos were terrable but a laugh to watch now, my videos have improved dramaticly
Oh, my very first videos were SO bad. Back in 07 with my little Logitech webcam and no idea what I was doing...
The quality was terrible, I was awkward and the videos had little to no purpose.
Even when I started back up with The Rules, it took a while to find my groove again, but it just goes to show that it takes time to develop yourself on YT. Which is totally fine. I recommend not taking the embarrassing ones down. It really does show how far you've come.
Well your first video on your channel is pretty good ( well yea it's not the one from 07 but... :D ). And congrats on 100 subs :)
Oh yes my first video was bad. It was even a Let's Play video so I wasn't on camera. I still remember when I started recording that first time, I was so incredibly nervous that I only made it about two minutes before I had to stop. My voice was shaking so badly on the recording that I had to completely scrap it and start over.

Things quickly got easier, and since picking up LPs again more recently I only get a small twinge of nervousness before starting a recording session.
Yea my 1st video wasnt that great, shoddy mic's, terrible video capture programs and rubbish audio mixing program (3 mic's recording to one track was a nightmare till I found a good solution for it).

Several purchases later and learning a thing or two how to get a better outcomes, I'm generally happy how things are coming out for me though I think I will have to get some sort of camera. It seems to me there is a gap to bridge to the vlog only viewers.
PAINFULLY BAD. Though I think every new thing I do is an improvement on the old so as time goes by this new stuff I do now will look painful too haha