Were you nervous for your first vlog? How did you do it? Please share your experience.

So when you were about to film for you first vlog, how did you feel? Was it a bit difficult? Did you get nervous? How did you tackle with it? Please share your experience.

Thanks in anticipation!
It was fine for me since I'd been making vlogs since before the time of youtube, just ones about random things I'd make, not really for an audience :P It did help though, so I could talk about things in front of a camera without too many issues :D
I was very worried about it with never being on camera before as I was always the camera man, I would worry mostly about what would people think of me, to be honest you really need to learn to not give a care to what others think of you and learn that people need to accept you for who you are. For me I just started doing it, the more I did it the more comfortable and the more I learned not to care. Not caring about what others think is something which I believe anyone can learn to be like and its a good way to live and feel regardless of when making videos.

The best advice is to just do it, try not to care and put any insecurities aside, if you dont try you could really be missing out as well as your audience :) Good luck man :)
I just made my first vlog, instead of a actual sit down talk to the camera about a topic. It was probably one of the funnest videos I made so far. It felt amazing to share my pretty exciting day with the world. One tip I recommend if to only vlog your exciting days, rather than vlog daily, because when you vlog daily and just sit around all day, there isn't much to talk about. If you would like to vlog daily, then you should probably make a second channel for that opposed to it cluttering up your main one.
Keep in mind that thinking about what you'll say is much easier than actually saying it smoothly. When you have the opportunity and you're alone, try just talking aloud to yourself smoothly and get a bit used to it.
I recorded my first four videos over a day or two and uploaded them at once. I wasn't nervous at all when I was recording them because pubic speaking never bothered me (and this isn't even public speaking in the real sense). BUT the moment I hit publish on the videos, I thought "What the f**k did I just do? Am I insane?" Clearly the answer to the second question is "yes," as I haven't looked back. Now I just work on improving myself and hope I'll be brave enough one day to look back at the first few videos.
My first vlog was so incredibly awkward it was painful. Originally I wanted to do daily vlogs, so I went to the lake, turned on the camera and just went for it. I don't believe there was much content in it, nor was it anything anyone would want to watch, but I kept doing them, and after time became more comfortable with speaking in front of the camera.

I haven't tried recording a sit-down in front of the camera vlog with someone around, but if it's just me and the camera I am now comfortable just being myself! :)
My first vlog was utter s**t. I'm still not good at them because I don't make them very often, but I'm definitely improving. Just record a few vlogs which you don't release, get used to talking to the camera and stuff. Practice makes perfect.
I had been making animations with video game sprites for a while, but I wanted to delve into a bit of live action. I was working at a warehouse that had been converted into a concert hall and youth club at the time and they had a giant green screen just sitting there. It was never used. So I was like...... I wanna make a video. So I created a promotional video for the club.

It could have been done soooooo much better, but honestly it was really fun to make. It has so much energy, explosions, shouting and a bit of comedy. Since then I've been doing more and more live action stuff.
I continued doing mini movies on what I wanted just because I wanted to. And then that became more of a hobby, then a commitment and now I am where I am :-)
My first vlog I deleted the video and the topic, but I'm comfortable now to do vlogs if I choose too. If you are nervous, just do the video and then put it to private. You don't have to make it public ever, but actually doing the video and uploading gives you a little confident booster knowing that you attempted and finished your project.