
Real Guillotine, Explosions, Acid, and more!
And wow.. its so much better than movie maker! At first I was concerned it would be a huge task to learn.. but it was so simple to learn and now it seems like it's actually EASIER than movie maker was...!

Also now we can actually utilize our cameras 4k resolution by posting our videos in 4k resolution now!!
I've been using premiere for ~2 years now. I agree it's a fantastic tool and wasn't difficult to learn, though even to this day I feel I learn something new every time I use it!
I can also vouch for Prem Pro. Decent piece of software.

TIP: Make sure you keep your footage rendered when editing otherwise you may face issues when you export the final edit. You'll know if your footage needs rendering if a red bar along the top of your timeline appears. Green/Yellow mean its rendered. To render simply press enter on the keyboard.
I can also vouch for Prem Pro. Decent piece of software.

TIP: Make sure you keep your footage rendered when editing otherwise you may face issues when you export the final edit. You'll know if your footage needs rendering if a red bar along the top of your timeline appears. Green/Yellow mean its rendered. To render simply press enter on the keyboard.
Thank you for the tip!