WARNING to amazon accosiates

haha cool!. I actually getting even more views now I've removed the spammy amazon massive legal disclosure paragraph of non seo relevant text from my vid descriptions. Yeah I have just started to give ebay a try. Ebay /Paypal everyone can trust. What is jlist btw?
jlist sells a lot of japanese stuff like hentai , anime and snacks from asia its actually quote amazing !!
Hey guys... I emailed Amazon asking for clarification about my original rejection. Since I got the exact same email (a canned response) as the OP, here's what I asked clarification on:

I have a couple questions that I hope you can answer for me.
1. Is this effectively saying that I don't have enough susbcribers and/or videos and that I could re-apply in the future once my channel is larger?
2. Am I allowed to re-apply with a new account if I had my old one closed for the above reason?
Thanks, I hope you can provide some clarity.

I thought you guys would get a laugh at the canned-response reply.

"I've reviewed your application and can confirm it's been rejected. Once you have a stronger following, and you've updated your site to contain unique and original content, please reapply using Facebook.com "Fan Pages," a "Verified" Twitter.com page, a YouTube "channel" page, or a Twitch.tv page and we'll be happy to review it. Here's the URL for submitting a new application:

[normal join link here]

We hope to see you again soon."

Ultimately they just re-iterated the original rejection e-mail, worded in a different way. At least they effectively confirmed that I "can" re-apply. I'm still firmly convinced that the reason I was rejected was because of the size of my channel. I'm pretty convinced the same applies to the OP, which is why I mentioned it. I guess time will tell :)

Want more evidence? Read the following article and search for the text "500 subscribers".
Google: "blog.geni.us" 500 subscribers


geni.us is a company that provides a link shortening service that has worked with Amazon to ensure they follow the guidelines. Linus Tech Tips uses them so that's how I know of them.

It's not concrete proof, but hey they spoke with someone at Amazon and were told 500+ subs. This article is where I got the 500 subs # from I mentioned originally. This is why I'm re-applying when I hit 500 subs.

I don't know under what circumstances that Roberto Blake had his associates account terminated, but it must be for a unique reason as he was clearly big enough to be bringing in large amounts of commissions.
re above post.. since +500 subs is not declared in amazon's 'substantial' terms of service then if true- for them to close your account, profit from your effort, and not pay you your commission would be classed as misrepresentation in the UK.. which is illegal and they could go to prison for. I think that says it all. I wouldn't use them again. Also, anyone seen the BBC documentary The Truth Behind the Click? Working conditions in the company's giant UK warehouses have been condemned by unions as among the worst in Britain. And.. not ashamed of their previous Beeb exposure they give them cause for them to make another doc 'Amazon delivery drivers are being exploited, claims a BBC Inside Out investigation.' Can't post links here but all easy to find online.
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