Services Wanting to Practice GFX

Sorry for bugging you loads but I hope it gave you practice! A HUGE thank you to. Your channel is in the featured channel section on my channel. Thanks!
Sorry to be picky, I really like it but could there be two quick changes, can "Follow @ScouseyDragon" stay as it is, that bit is perfect, could you change the banner on the left to have an apostrophe in & an 's' at the end so it's "Jake's Invalid Opinions" as well as changing it back to the font it was before, if it's too much trouble then don't worry about it chief!
Sorry to be picky, I really like it but could there be two quick changes, can "Follow @ScouseyDragon" stay as it is, that bit is perfect, could you change the banner on the left to have an apostrophe in & an 's' at the end so it's "Jake's Invalid Opinions" as well as changing it back to the font it was before, if it's too much trouble then don't worry about it chief!
No problem at all here you go.


  • Jakes third.jpg
    Jakes third.jpg
    510 KB · Views: 8
Hey man, just checked out my channel on my netbook & my laptop and neither side of the layout is visable, is there any chance you can shrink it inwards to somehow fit? Check out my YT channel to see what I mean!