Want to respond to my next video?


I've Got It
Hey guys, as some of you may know, I started a new thing called "Ya Heard the News," or #YaHeardTheNews. I have only done one so far, but plan on doing more. In the first one I play a 1940s newspaper reporter who runs down a few news stories, and gives his take, as a person from that time and profession would (at least in my mind.)

In the next one, I will do the same thing, but as a 1950s greaser. I think it would be cool if someone responded (keeping their vid around the same length) as a 1950s prep/jock (must have varsity jacket!). I just want to throw this out there, because I think it would be a cool way for us to promote one another. Tell me if you're interested.

If it goes well, I would also do it in the future with other vids.