Meet Up/Gathering Want to be part of a youtube team?

Hello everyone I'll be starting a PC gaming channel main cause I'm not a huge console player. Anything from Arma III to something like Minecraft are acceptable here's what I need and I'll see if you're up to the challenge! (You can have your own youtube channel as well)
Name: (What you'd like to be referred to in the videos but having your real name would be good as well)

Age (Please be 15+):

Games you enjoy playing and what you currently own and would like to see videos:

Do you have a active steam account? If so what is your user name as so I may friend you. Mine is DarkMetalSniper:

What time you are mainly available at and your Timezone I am Eastern Standard Time:

Do you mind if I live-stream and we go un-edited while on youtube we can have the edited version?:

Do you enjoy open comedy?

3/3 positions are currently available
im WAFLAladdin which is also my Steam name, im 27 and am from the UK, im usualy gaming whenever im not at work and am open to buying whatever games i dont own to record / stream
Games you enjoy playing and what you currently own and would like to see videos: Gmod, COD, GTA, Minecraft, cubeworld, arma 1, 2, 3, Dayz,

Do you have a active steam account? If so what is your user name as so I may friend you. Mine is DarkMetalSniper: Yes, but i dont use it yet because i am custom building a gaming pc (will be done on wednesday)

What time you are mainly available at and your Timezone I am Eastern Standard Time: Same

Do you mind if I live-stream and we go un-edited while on youtube we can have the edited version?: Perfect :)

Do you enjoy open comedy? I am way funnier in a group than solo, so yes