Wait.. What? (Freedom)

EDIT: End your hate crusade against Freedom. They are not doing anything fraudulent at all as a business or most importantly on the YouTube platform. Sure, George has crazy ideas and with a 100% transparent business model the entire world gets to see them and react.

He still advertises up to 110% revenue share on the main Freedom page, a feature advertised since the beginning and yet not implemented. I don't know what your definition of fraudulent is, but mine includes promising things and not giving the things.

And then, we see the upcoming expenditure of a large amount of money on something completely unrelated to YouTube, all the while features that have been "coming soon" for almost a year are still not yet available. Or how about the "sponsorship" that was actually a raffle with conditions?

The hate is entirely justified and it's scary how many children have been deceived into partnering with Freedom. Absolutely disgraceful.

If that level of logic and distrust of, at best a snake oil salesman and at worst a con-man shows my insecurities, then frankly you don't know what insecurities means.
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He still advertises up to 110% revenue share on the main Freedom page, a feature advertised since the beginning and yet not implemented. I don't know what your definition of fraudulent is, but mine includes promising things and not giving the things.

It's using a beta feature called Freedom points. Partners earn points by uploading videos, creating threads on the forums and engaging with the community. When the partner earns 110 points, they can submit these points to earn a 110% revenue share for a single month.

It's an advertisment point I guess, but there is a reason why it's on there.
In my opinion you can't really hate the guy for wanting to invest in education. I know his delivery is a bit..eccentric and at time just plain weird but I don't think this deems YET another hate thread.
I have no issue with investing in education, my issue is with him investing and I mean heavily investing, in things that are very unlikely to help anyone in the MCN.
The MCN, which to clarify is what funds these ventures.

Freedom makes a gross income of $175-300 thousand monthly, this idea could easily drain 25% of that sum on a monthly basis,
Considering he asked whether it was a good idea, the video got about 70% dislikes and yet he's gone ahead with more research etc anyway is mind-boggling, sure there was no point even asking in the first place if he's going to go ahead and do it anyway.


Also note this comment from George:

The Issue with the $100k sponsorship is, the sponsors we current have decided not to sponsor us with their product.

So spending well into the five figures on a school is fine but the second you're made pay any bit of the $100k in a "$100k sponsorship" that's closed down.
I have absolutely no issue with a company spending money on unrelated ventures. It's his business and he can spend that money on whatever he wants.

My issue stems from continuing to over-promise and under-deliver WHILE spending huge sums of money elsewhere. That is where what he is doing becomes unethical at best, fraudulent at worst.
I don't get it.

Why would he ask his partnered youtube channels for their input, when it doesn't involve them, or give them any output at the end of it?

Very odd.
It's using a beta feature called Freedom points. Partners earn points by uploading videos, creating threads on the forums and engaging with the community. When the partner earns 110 points, they can submit these points to earn a 110% revenue share for a single month.

It's an advertisment point I guess, but there is a reason why it's on there.

Sorry to say this Point system has way too many flaws. I am a Freedom Partner and I can't even connect my Freedom Forum account to my partnership account to get this feature, also I am not able to see my Channel Analytics. I asked customer care not ones but 5 times. Every time they have same answer, Sorry our features are in Beta and our staff is working on it. Ya that is Freedom at Freedom network.
Im still left wondering why their network partners would want this, if I was George I would want partners to see things at least somewhat relevant to them. Maybe I am not seeing the connection or something here :D

Network partners dont really want that, i would say about 85% of the comments say that the school idea is stupid.
Network partners dont really want that, i would say about 85% of the comments say that the school idea is stupid.

Exactly, as a business you are supposed to figure out what your customers truly want and sharing this with them is sharing something that I would have never expected them to want. It is like me building a hospital out of YTtalk profits for animals and sharing that with YTtalk members.
I hate Freedom. I've never used it and never will. George is a joke. Did you see the video of him talking about how his employees aren't pulling their weight and how Freedom might need to let them go? Yeah, if that was ANY reputable company that person (even if it was the CEO) would be fired without hesitation. You're not supposed to publicly announce a threat like that. If anything, do it in an internal email or conversation.
That in itself is why I can't take George seriously. It's honestly sad how many people are a part of Freedom - It's like joining a ship intended for traveling the world which is captained by someone who's never sailed farther than the local harbor.

This specifically seems cool (the school), but I think their money should be going into rewarding their own network first.