Wait.. What? (Freedom)


YouTube Network Addict
I normally don't post threads on other networks or their features but I think this is a bit of an exception/ weird one who even this network's biggest supporters will have a hard time putting into words..

So Freedom, who some know I am not a #1 fan of but even I can admit they have some good points.

But I mean..

They've as you can see there, just announced they're thinking of creating and "have a team in place" to run a school, yes like a real life school for children in the Philippines.

With the money partners give them to run a YouTube network, money they also seem to have little interest in investing into a dashboard that although has some nice features, barely functions in places or in some features like "up to 110% revenue shares" they've been promising for close to a year now.

Be interested to hear others opinions because while I do disagree with some MCN's investments, this one to me just sounds like an outrageous use of money given to them for the purpose of YouTube partnership..
Your title described my reaction to the video perfectly, I really dont understand the connection between an MCN and opening up schools in Philippine. If it was a school for creators I would understand but an ordinary school, that is very confusing.
When one hype tactic stops working, you move on to another one. It's that simple. The school has about as much chance of existing as 110% revenue shares.
When one hype tactic stops working, you move on to another one. It's that simple. The school has about as much chance of existing as 110% revenue shares.
I couldn't find a source so note this is second hand but I've seen alot of comments lately that they stopped their "$100,000 sponsorship" for "financial reasons".
Well I'd say starting a school will cost significantly more than $100,000.
I'm very hesitant to throw around the word scam, because it is a dangerous assertion if used without evidence. However, the sheer volume of overhyped garbage, false promises and outright lies present with Freedom may well warrant it's use.
I am left wondering are schools that profitable that he would want to go opening schools over there or is it to try and make the network look good to partners for opening schools for perhaps disadvantaged kids over there. I am so confused, there must be a reason but I cannot put my finger on it :D

I'm very hesitant to throw around the word scam, because it is a dangerous assertion if used without evidence. However, the sheer volume of overhyped garbage, false promises and outright lies present with Freedom may well warrant it's use.

I have never said this but your posts always either enlighten me with new knowledge or crack me up, either way theyre enjoyable to read :D
I am left wondering are schools that profitable that he would want to go opening schools over there or is it to try and make the network look good to partners for opening schools for perhaps disadvantaged kids over there. I am so confused, there must be a reason but I cannot put my finger on it :D
Private schools especially in emerging economies can be very good investments.

But.. they tend to be long-term, like not really what you'd put anything in short-term, so maybe 5-10 years to break even.[DOUBLEPOST=1425502541,1425421855][/DOUBLEPOST]

Would have thought from the dislikes ratio on the first two videos that they'd get the message!
But no, they bring out a walkthrough of some massive building complex, I don't even want to think about the rental/ sales prices for even a portion of that complex :depressed2:
Im still left wondering why their network partners would want this, if I was George I would want partners to see things at least somewhat relevant to them. Maybe I am not seeing the connection or something here :D
The purpose behind this move would be to start implementing more creative classes to students around video editing, design and media which can be rare to find. However, encouraging students to move to the philippines might be a bit far fetched.

I do agree that MCN's tend to invest into some strange things from time to time. But if all networks were 100% transparent with their investments I'm sure there would be larger issues at hand with other MCN's.

I also agree that there is much work to be done with Freedom's infrastructure, including the dashboard experience. There are many things that do work well with Freedom, including their music licences that work seamlessly inside the dashboard with all of the current licence holders.

In my opinion you can't really hate the guy for wanting to invest in education. I know his delivery is a bit..eccentric and at time just plain weird but I don't think this deems YET another hate thread.

EDIT: End your hate crusade against Freedom. They are not doing anything fraudulent at all as a business or most importantly on the YouTube platform. Sure, George has crazy ideas and with a 100% transparent business model the entire world gets to see them and react.

I come into this forum on a daily basis to see constructive conversations about real YouTube issues, MCN's and YouTube as a business. I lurk, I know. But it pains me to see the constant hate towards an MCN that is really doing nothing wrong. Freedom is just trying to be different. I think hating on him only shows your own insecurities.
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