I Love YTtalk
When I start vlogging again then I will just keep going no matter what. I won't stop and I'll try hard not to stop and try hard not to get lazy. I want to do it for myself, and to help with my anxiety
I've started using a calendar to plan out my weekly videos. That way I can sometimes film a couple in advance, just in case something comes up and I don't get a chance. I've committed to posting a new video every Monday, and it's been good motivation for me.[DOUBLEPOST=1369040264,1369040218][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, jump cuts are the best. It almost looks weird to watch a vlog without them now.When I got into vlogging I tried to make it seem like I'm just having a conversation with a friend. That made it easier. Having a topic and outline will help keep you from rambling. Don't be afraid to jump cut to make it more fluid too.