Vlogging while snowboarding down a slope?

Fun idea but the GoPro's audio sucks, mixed with airflow and the casing you won't be able to hear anything. So SCREAM REALLY LOUD and then subtitle the whole video, otherwise I don't see it working
Oh goodness I posted this and came back to read your guys conversation xDDDD

Anywho, yeah, I agree it does take skill let alone to ski/snowboard :/
It's gonna be hell trying to do both ahahahaha but It would be something cool for my subs to see :)
Fun idea but the GoPro's audio sucks, mixed with airflow and the casing you won't be able to hear anything. So SCREAM REALLY LOUD and then subtitle the whole video, otherwise I don't see it working
My idea was to actually go into audacity and somewhat dub the audio over so it mixes with the original audio and the dubbed over so it stays realistic while you can hear what I'm saying :)
Oh goodness I posted this and came back to read your guys conversation xDDDD

Anywho, yeah, I agree it does take skill let alone to ski/snowboard :/
It's gonna be hell trying to do both ahahahaha but It would be something cool for my subs to see :)

I was joking about the skiing :p But snowboarding would be possible and awesome to see! Skiing would lead me to believe you have a death wish :p