Vloggers/lighting help?

They look pretty big tho! :(
Any lighting equipment other than a really bright desk lamp will likely be pretty sizeable. The good thing about these is they can be dismantled/ reassembled within about 2 minutes each, so if you need to put them away it's fairly easy to do so.

I suppose you could go outright ghetto with it. Get some seriously bright white LED torches from B&Q (general hardware store for the yanks) and diffuse the light through some A4 printer paper.
I use a small macro lens light for my lighting, only thing I had laying around the house that was decent. One of these days though I gotta get some better lighting. :)
A quick easy solution to get soft lighting that will look great is China Balls...

they difuse the light so that you don't have a harsh shadow and you can put them over any lamp.. Remove the lamp shade and put these up.

Actuall have a back light is done on all professional studio's you do that so that you don't blend in with the back ground....

You definitly need backlighting if you do any kinda greenscreen for sure.

Ah, I never knew that XD On most cheap cameras though (Like the ones I use) they just completely black you out XD
I know I don't do vlogs per se, but as I am the subject in my videos, I dunno maybe it'll help. I use softboxes, I picked them up on Amazon for about £70 and they have really improved my image quality. I wanted that crisp, professional look, and using two softbox lights hasn't quite got me there yet, but it certainly improved my image quality by a huge margin. You can tell from the image in my signature that they provide even white light and it looks good! I'm really happy with my purchase.
It won't let me add a link to the ones I purchased, but if you type "video lighting" into Amazon's search, it should be the first hit.
How many softboxes do you use? I've got the problem that on normal week days I would only be able to shoot in the evenings when it's dark or at the weekend (sacrificing some other potentially nice days with friends).
My rooms aren't very big and I would struggle to find a large plain white wall like in your videos. Some of my videos are shot with me on the couch and I need good lighting for it if I ever want to shoot in the evenings.

Guess a better camera than the Kodak Zi-8 I still use (bought it for fun a few years ago and just got back into YouTube...maybe something for xmas) could also already improve the quality under those conditions.
How many softboxes do you use?

I've got the problem that on normal week days I would only be able to shoot in the evenings when it's dark or at the weekend
Having a full-time job, I had exactly the same problem. Two softboxes certainly helped in that respect, although combining them with daylight is still how I film for as much light as possible. Just get as much light on you as physically possible, and have the camera's aperture settings as open as possible.