Vlog or Gaming?! I'm so confused....

Gaming Channel Pros:
Easy to make videos - depending on computer/capture card.
Love playing videoganes -
No need to doll myself up for videos = - go on webcam as you play the game and you will get a million hits in about 5 minutes
Easy to edit - only if you're a lazy editor
Collabs!!! - since you're a female, popular boy youtubers will do "collabs" with you.
Cheaper to make high quality videos - cheaper? mic cost, capture card cost, game costs? Chances of getting strikes on your channel due to you playing games that are copyrighted?

I don't talk much while gaming, so making funny commentary is really difficult - the magic of editing. dun dun dun.
I can't think of anything to play that is interesting enough to watch - all games are interesting to watch as long as you make it fun. I have just been watching a guy play a game where you shoot balls at other balls for the past 3 hours... so did another 100,000 people and I enjoyed the hell out of it.
There are already so many gaming channels. So I will hardly get any views - really? but there are also a billion and one vloggers out there.
Youtube hates gaming channels...ALOT! - no they don't? people just don't follow the copyright system.
Have to upload almost everyday to keep people interested - once again.. no. some top youtubers only upload once a week... and even if you don't edit, that gives you plenty of time to render, record and upload more videos.

Vlog channel pros:
Only have to do videos once a week - only? no? there are people who release videos everyday.
They are fun to make - so are gaming videos?
They usually gain more views than gaming channels - once again, depends on the person. I don't care about what you had for lunch, nor do I want to hear silence in a gaming video. IT IS THE PERSON THAT MAKES THE VIEWS.
Make people laugh easier than a gaming channel could - once again, it is the person. I find gaming videos more funny than vlogs on average.
Well guys I didn't mean vlogs but stuff like what the top vloggy like youtubers do. Like jacksgap, tyler oakley, joey graceffa. That's what I meant by once a week and stuff like that. It will be more comedic than actually about my life.[DOUBLEPOST=1387080404,1387080148][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean the big youtubers will want to collab with me....
Secondly, there are way less comedic vlogging type channels than there are gaming channels.
Also I have done the webcam thing on a gaming channel I had. It had like 4 videos on it. I did not get millions of hits in 5 minutes.
Umm.....................A channel isn't limited to one niche. You can do both.
Yeah but I heard it's better to do on just one niche. I think I've already made a decision guys. I'll do gaming and vlogs on gaming like my first impressions of elder scrolls online. Thanks for the help <3
Well guys I didn't mean vlogs but stuff like what the top
Also, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean the big youtubers will want to collab with me....
Secondly, there are way less comedic vlogging type channels than there are gaming channels.
Also I have done the webcam thing on a gaming channel I had. It had like 4 videos on it. I did not get millions of hits in 5 minutes.

1) Yes they would, just show them a bit of interest and they follow your every word... Youtube is a business after all.
2) There are still 100,000s of vlogging comedy channels, you just don't know of them because they're not popular.
3) *sarcasm alert*
You should do what you think is most fun, after all, that is more important than being youtube famous.
Or, you could make two channels, one for gaming, one for vlogs, and then get the best (and worst) from both worlds! ;D
1) Yes they would, just show them a bit of interest and they follow your every word... Youtube is a business after all.
2) There are still 100,000s of vlogging comedy channels, you just don't know of them because they're not popular.
3) *sarcasm alert*
Do you have any advice on how I could approach these other youtubers? As in how to get them interested in collabing with me?